APD - Applied Precision Design
APD stands for Applied Precision Design
Here you will find, what does APD stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Applied Precision Design? Applied Precision Design can be abbreviated as APD What does APD stand for? APD stands for Applied Precision Design. What does Applied Precision Design mean?Applied Precision Design is an expansion of APD
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Alternative definitions of APD
- Aldus Printer Description (Aldus PageMaker)
- Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
- Auxiliary Personnel, Destroyer (fast transport)
- Action Potential Duration
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Avalanche Photo Diode
- Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
- Albuquerque Police Department
View 137 other definitions of APD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AGCU AGC of Utah
- AOMG Apex One Management Group
- ACAI Another Chance of Atlanta Inc
- ACKC Apex Commercial Kitchen Co
- ABA Art Bookbinders of America
- AASL Amadeus Acoustic Solutions Ltd
- ARCNO American Red Cross of Northeast Ohio
- AMCL Applications Management Consulting Ltd.
- ADC Air Dale Compressors
- ASTFPC AST Fire Protection Company
- ACPPL A Childs Place Preschool Ltd
- AGLL Alden Global Logistics Ltd
- AS Art of Sport
- AMS Alpha Media Services
- AFS Alumni Forum Services
- AIM Aim Internet Marketing
- ABS Axiom Business Systems
- ACC Active Clothing Co.
- ASL A Star Labs
- AFB Apparel Fashion Bd